Get the answers to your electric bike questions:

With electric bikes becoming more and more popular, we thought it would be helpful to put together a list of answers to some frequently asked questions. Whether you're in the market for an electric bike or you're just curious about how they work, this blog post is for you!

How do electric bikes work?

Electric bikes, also known as e-bikes, are bicycles that have a battery-powered motor. The motor assists the rider by providing extra power when pedalling. E-bikes can reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour, making them a great option for commuting or leisurely rides.

Are electric bikes expensive?

The initial cost of an electric bike can be higher than a standard bicycle, but when you factor in the cost of gas and maintenance for a car, an e-bike can actually be cheaper in the long run. Plus, with an e-bike you'll get plenty of exercise!

What are the benefits of riding an electric bike?

In addition to being cheaper than a car and good for the environment, riding an e-bike has many health benefits. Electric bikes are low impact, so they're easy on your joints. They're also a great way to get in some cardio while enjoying the outdoors. E-biking is also a great way to explore new places without getting too tired.

They're Great for Exercise

One of the biggest benefits of electric bikes is that they provide a great workout. While riding an electric bike, you'll still get the opportunity to pedal and burn calories. But, thanks to the motor, you won't have to work as hard as you would on a traditional bicycle. This makes electric bikes perfect for people of all fitness levels. 

     Improved hill-climbing ability - Hills can be a challenge on a traditional bicycle, but electric bikes make climbing hills much easier thanks to their motorized assist. This means you won't have to break a sweat when riding your electric bike, even if you live in a hilly area.

Have a browse through our collection and pick the right e-bike for you!